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Whistler Wedding Planner Gadbois Photography

In my years of working as a Wedding Photographer in Whistler and the Sea to Sky Corridor, I have been fortunate to collaborate alongside amazing people. Individuals that are passionate, like-minded and with the same desire to go above and beyond for each client. These post series is my way of shining light on some of them and make you discover our incredible local talent one at the time.

We are starting with Rachael Lythe from Sea to Sky Celebrations. Rachael has been one of the leading power house as a Whistler Event planner and a Whistler Wedding Planner. Together we have collaborated on a multitude of weddings from an Helicopter Elopement of two to a weddings of hundreds of guest and everything in between…and at the end of each one we always have a big smile, a high-five…and usually a celebratory glass of sparkling water wine.

When you get to call your profession your passion and your co-workers your friends, it truly doesn’t get any better. Let me help you discover Rachael Lythe, owner of Sea to Sky Celebrations.


Rachael Lythe


Sea to Sky Celebrations, Whistler BC.

How did you get started?

I am actually a pianist and when my kids were little, I had stopped working full-time and played the piano as a part-time job. I started getting asked to play at weddings and then clients would ask for other wedding information so it just happened by accident! A friend said that I should start my own business and so I looked into it and took the plunge!

What has been a pleasant surprise about your profession?

The most pleasant thing is how much I enjoy the wedding days, themselves, and I just love being there on the day to see clientsโ€™ dreams become a reality. Even though I have now done hundreds of weddings, none is ever the same, and it is such an honour to be a part of them all! And, yes, if you book Sea to Sky Celebrations I will personally be there on your wedding day.

What has been a less than pleasant surprise about your profession?

The least pleasant is not really that bad and there are two things that come to mind: people say โ€œoh that is such a fun jobโ€ and, well yes it is on the wedding days but much of my time is spent in the office sitting at the computer so you really have to be self-disciplined to work from home and the office work never ends! The other thing is the weather, being on the West Coast, this can sometimes be a disappointment having to tell clients that we “canโ€™t fly in the helicopter today” or that their “backup plan inside will have to be deployed”.

Whatโ€™s your favorite part of your work?

Seeing my clients get married. Every time I send the bride down the aisle I feel the emotional and tearful joy! I never anticipate it either as up to that point Iโ€™m usually so busy running around organizing everyone and everything but that moment, every time, it just gets me!

Something people may not know about you?

I am big into keeping fit and CrossFit is a huge part of my life outside of work and family. I pretty much revolve my schedule around whichever classes I am going to attend haha.

*The following questions were made famous by James Lipton from Inside The Actor Studio (one of them may offend some sensitive earsโ€ฆ skip #5 if thatโ€™s youโ€ฆyouโ€™ve been warned)

1. Whatโ€™s your favorite word?


2. What is your least favorite word?


3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

A smile and good attitude to life.

4. What turns you off?

Selfishness, scowling and a bad attitude.

5. Whatโ€™s your favorite curse word and why?

the F word for sure haha

6. What sound or noise do you love?

The birds waking up in the morning.

7. What sound or noise to you hate?

Snow plows waking me up in the morning LOL. They never come at the right time- always too early, too late or they donโ€™t come at all!

8. What profession other then your own would you like to attempt?

Commercial Airline Flight Attendant or shooting a bit higher, a Pilot.

9. What profession would you not like to do?

Photography- the editing would kill me!

10. Finally if heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

โ€œIโ€™m finally here, now letโ€™s party!โ€

โ€“ Pascale oxo

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